Medicinal cannabis matters – weekly round-up.

Medicinal Cannabis Matters – Our weekly round-up of what has been happening in the world of medicinal cannabis this week.
This week, we discuss how cannabis is officially legalised in Germany, how new studies are showing how medicinal cannabis is helping doctors in the fight against Cancer, we look into whether cannabis consumption affects your weight, and the science behind Hemp petals and how medicinal cannabis could soon get the Greenlight in France.
Cannabis is officially legalised in Germany
Cannabis has officially been taken off Germany’s narcotics list, this de-listing will improve safe access for medical cannabis patients by removing some hurdles in the medical cannabis supply chain and streamlining processes for pharmacies.
3 new studies show how medicinal cannabis is helping Doctors in the fight against Cancer
More and more research is showing how cannabis is helping people in their battle against Cancer. A new Study Reveals That the majority of Cancer patients who use cannabis report significant symptomatic improvement.
Does Cannabis consumption affect your weight?
Contrary to common belief, cannabis does not impact weight gain. According to a study from 2018, THC, a primary compound in cannabis, may actually lower body mass index, challenging the notion of “munchies” associated with cannabis use. However, some research indicates that frequent cannabis users might experience an increase in their metabolic rate.
From plant to wellness and understanding the science behind Hemp petals
Compared to THC, the psychoactive component in cannabis, CBD, or cannabidiol found in hemp petals, does not induce a “high”. This non-psychoactive property of CBD has endeared it to the scientific and medical communities worldwide.
Medicinal cannabis could soon get the Greenlight in France
During a year-long, French health authorities gave patients suffering from serious illnesses the chance to use prescribed medical cannabis. Patients felt their symptoms had improved significantly, with no unexpected side effects. No cases of substance abuse or addiction had been reported. Preparations to make prescribed cannabis-based medicines more readily available, including in pharmacies, are now underway for 2025.
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